Oregon, USA
Lunatic Faith
JoinedPosts by Lunatic Faith
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
A frog in boiling water?
by hoser ini don't know where i've heard it before(perhaps from a circuit overseer talk) but someone associated with jehovahs witnesses made the analogy.
that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will jump out immediately, but if you put the same frog in a pot of cold water and slowly heat it up.
the frog will not notice the gradual temperature change and will cook to death.. the overseer or elder used this illustration as a warning to say that gradual changes in morals around us- we will not notice and get cooked alive.
Lunatic Faith
First time I heard it was from a movie: Dante's Peak. I have heard it used from the platform, but it was after that movie. I didn't realize it was a fallacy. Good to know....
Teachings JW's use to protect themselves
by Lunatic Faith injust got off the phone with an old friend from montana.
her teenage son, mother, and a niece and nephew were all killed in a car accident one year ago tomorrow.
she decided to use the money she got from life insurance and settlement to build a house for the family.
Lunatic Faith
Just got off the phone with an old friend from Montana. Her teenage son, mother, and a niece and nephew were all killed in a car accident one year ago tomorrow. She decided to use the money she got from life insurance and settlement to build a house for the family. Her uncle, a brother, volunteered to build it at a reduced rate and promised to have it done by the end of 2010.
He took all her money and never finished the house. He hasn't even paid the sub-contractors. He doesn't have a dime of her money left and wants her to give him more even though he never works on the house. She has no money left. He uses psychological terrorism to manipulate her and try to force her to agree to his demands. She decided to pay him a visit yesterday with a lawyer. What was the response of him, his wife, and this girls elder grandpa? "You can't take him to court! He's a brother!!"
My advice: Take his ass to court and take everything he owns--including whatever fillings he has in his teeth. She said once this is all done she is going to the elders in his congregation to report his unchristian behavior. She has been inactive for years. I told her not to be disappointed if the elders didn't do anything.
How many times have JW's used these loopholes the society commands to abuse their fellow man?
Longtime lurker - first post
by applehippie inbeen listening for quite a while to the many conversations found here on this forum.
i'm a good listener as my friends will tell you.. i am a born in jw, inactive for at least 2 years now.
i originally joined this forum to find out what my husband was "up to".
Lunatic Faith
AnnOMaly--Very interesting. I didn't know that. I have heard that is what will happen after the rapture. I'm thinking about reading the Left Behind series, just for the hell of it.
Longtime lurker - first post
by applehippie inbeen listening for quite a while to the many conversations found here on this forum.
i'm a good listener as my friends will tell you.. i am a born in jw, inactive for at least 2 years now.
i originally joined this forum to find out what my husband was "up to".
Lunatic Faith
I'm 4th generation through my mom too. She died when I was still a teenager and I have always imagined welcoming her back in the resurrection. It was a few weeks after I decided the JW's didn't have the truth anymore that the realization came over me--I may not ever see my mom again. It felt like I had been punched in the gut. I actually considered going back just so I could hold on to that hope; but then I realized my belief wouldn't make it real.
I am surprised how quickly I absorbed the disappointment and now just leave it all up to chance. I hope I see her again. I hope she's in a better place. When I was a child, she actually told another sister that she never thought I would stick with the JW's. So she was right about--uncannily right about me.
When you say you have held onto the hope of the resurrection, does that mean you are still choosing to believe in it? It would be nice if we could still live on earth and welcome back loved ones...
Longtime lurker - first post
by applehippie inbeen listening for quite a while to the many conversations found here on this forum.
i'm a good listener as my friends will tell you.. i am a born in jw, inactive for at least 2 years now.
i originally joined this forum to find out what my husband was "up to".
Lunatic Faith
Welcome! I had someone say I was the most liberal JW they had ever met, too. Unfortunately, it was a client who said it to the "sister" who runs the spa I work at. Oh well. We all have to come out of the closet eventually. I don't remember, did you say if your parents were still alive?
Convention 2011 rumor
by baltar447 inso i have good reason there's a possibility that the convention may have so nu-lite on daniel prophecy.
coming from the geniuses that brought us the overlapping generation, one can only speculate what nuttiness they will come up with next..
Lunatic Faith
Probably something about the Kings of the NOrth/South.
Or a ploy to get their attendance up...
Christianity, on it's death bed
by free2beme inas i grow older, and perhaps more controled by satan.
;) there is something i can not help but conclude.
it is the fact that christianity only exist, because it was born in a time in which there was no media, communications, and possible chance of being proven wrong.
Lunatic Faith
BTW, Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite HP characters!
Me too! She was so quirky and delightful. Jenny was a good match for Harry, but Luna was much cuter and more interesting!!
Christianity, on it's death bed
by free2beme inas i grow older, and perhaps more controled by satan.
;) there is something i can not help but conclude.
it is the fact that christianity only exist, because it was born in a time in which there was no media, communications, and possible chance of being proven wrong.
Lunatic Faith
On #3--I was reading Friedrich Nietzsche's Antichrist and he brought up an interesting idea. He said that much of Christianity and its more ascetic teachings come from Paul. Disfellowshipping, abstaining from marriage, not eating meat, women in their proper place, etc. He felt that Paul's form of Christianity diverged from the loving message Jesus portrayed. I started thinking about it and thought there was some truth to it. What do you think?
Disfellowshipped for eating FATTY FOODS, BEING FAT, BAD DIET
by free2beme inheart desease is the leading cause of deaths in this country.
bad diets are leading to an ever increasing population of diabetic and fat children and adults.
if we keep this up, more and more people will be too sick to work or live a normal life.
Lunatic Faith
Truthlover--*shudder* That bit about the cleanliness thing may not have been strictly stated in the old Elders book but it was insinuated. My childhood was a living hell because of the congregation stigmatizing us for our lack of cleanliness. My mom was bed-ridden and my dad worked full time. Us kids had not clue how to keep things clean. My dad and brothers were deprived of any privileges and even their commenting was curtailed. To this day the one thing that makes me hate God is anything having to do with cleanliness, purity, sanctification, etc.